Barbecue steak recipes


Barbecue steak recipes

Cooking steak on the barbecue is extremely popular among chefs – and for good reason. It gives you a steak that's smoky and flavourful, and – frankly – is a delicious way to show off your grilling skills. Barbecued steak requires knowing how to manage heat on a barbecue, moving steak between hot and cold zones as needed.

Cooking steak on the barbecue is versatile too. There's no one cut that's best – ribeye, skirt steak, onglet or even short ribs all work well. Giant tomahawk steak, for example, requires a combination of low and high heat, while slivers of galbi cook through quickly to give you tender pieces of meat perfect for eating with ssamjang, gaenip and rice.

No matter what your preferred steak is, cooking it on the barbecue is sure to give it an extra edge over cooking it on the hob, so why not get out your tongs and give it a go?

Barbecue steak

11 Recipes | Page 1 of 6

Barbecue steak

11 Recipes | Page 1 of 6