Cranberry recipes


Cranberry recipes

High in vitamin C and fibre, cranberries are a very beneficial ingredient for cooking with, but their bitter taste puts a lot of people off. Rather than raw, when dried and sweetened or cooked into dishes, they become a wonderful ingredient for adding a slight tartness.

This cranberry recipe collection of course includes a classic cranberry sauce that is the perfect accompaniment to turkey and chicken, as well as some other meat pairings such as Galton Blackiston's pork and cranberry stuffing burgers. WIth fish, there's Nathan Outlaw's wonderful stuffed monkfish recipe, and for dessert, Marcello Tully's adds them to white chocolate fudge, where the tart berries contrast beautifully with the sugary fudge.


57 Recipes | Page 1 of 29


57 Recipes | Page 1 of 29