Savoury pancake recipes

Ham and eggs with potato pancakes

Savoury pancake recipes

While in some households the sweet/savoury divide is rivalled only by the English Civil War in terms of familial disunion, the beauty of a basic pancake batter is that you don't have to make your mind up until it hits the pan. Let those who will drench theirs in syrup or liberally apply sugar and lemon do so to their heart's content – don't let that stop you from smothering your own in cheese, mushrooms, bacon and a host of other savoury ingredients.

This collection features plenty of recipe ideas for savoury pancakes of all varieties, from luxurious canapés to hearty brunch dishes. Potato pancakes are a popular option, served up for breakfast in Mark Dodson's Ham and egg pancakes recipe or forming sturdy foundations for Bryan Webb's duck breast recipe. Victoria Glass also uses potato to make gluten free pancakes, while Rosanna McPhee uses gluten free tapioca starch to make her irresistible Three cheese pancakes. If you're looking to incorporate savoury pancakes into your canapé repertoire mastering Richard Corrigan's blini recipe will provide the perfect canvas for a wealth of luxurious toppings – the chef himself uses sour cream and caviar, while Robert Thompson opts for cured sea bass.

Savoury pancake

29 Recipes | Page 1 of 15

Savoury pancake

29 Recipes | Page 1 of 15