Warm salad recipes

Warm salad recipes

Warm salad recipes

While a crisp, wedge salad or a cooling Caesar salad has its place, some things are best enjoyed a little warmer. Italians know this well, having mastered the art of combining roasted and slightly cooled vegetables with pulses or tossed with fregola. When warm ingredients are mixed with cooler ones – think roast courgettes with pasta, or baked sweet potatoes with avocado – you get a delightful warm salad that’s hard to say no to. 

We have a whole host of warm salads on the site, full of freshly fried feta, and huge pieces of roast chicken and even warm potato salads. Check out our full collection of warm salads below.

Warm salad

22 Recipes | Page 1 of 11

Warm salad

22 Recipes | Page 1 of 11