How to cook lamb leg steaks sous vide

How to cook lamb leg steaks sous vide

How to cook lamb leg steaks sous vide

3 November 2015

How to cook lamb leg steaks sous vide

Lamb leg steaks are a cheaper alternative to best end or loin of lamb and when cooked sous vide they are just as tender and flavoursome. Marinating the lamb before cooking helps to enhance the flavour – the longer it is marinated for the more pronounced it will be.




Preheat the water bath to 56°C (or 62˚C for medium)
Mix together 100ml of the olive oil with the herbs, garlic and salt and rub into the lamb steaks
Leave to marinade for at least 1 hour but up to 4 hours
Place the steaks in a single layer in a vacuum bag with the remaining 50ml of olive oil and seal under pressure
Place the bag in the preheated water bath to cook for 8 hours at 56˚C for medium rare or for 6 hours at 62˚C for medium
Remove the lamb from the bag and pat dry with kitchen paper
To serve, chargrill the lamb leg steaks on the barbecue or sear in a very hot frying pan until browned


The marinade can be altered according to your personal preference. For a Moroccan flavour, add cumin seeds, cinnamon and ras el hanout to the marinade or for an Indian twist, try adding coriander, turmeric and cardamom.

Serving suggestions

Robert Thompson serves his leg of lamb with a simple salsa verde and roasted beetroot while Alan Murchison serves his lamb with harissa-spiced couscous and chickpea salsa for a Moroccan twist.

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