The humble onion should not be overlooked. Aside for being the starting point to most recipes you could care to think of, this beautiful alium should be celebrated for making a stunning star to a number of dishes.
Our outstanding collection of onion recipes puts the onion centre stage, including Shaun Rankin's asparagus and red onion tarts, Adam Gray's steamed mutton and onion suet pudding, and Kevin Mangeolles' onion bread.
Needless to say, the French sure know how to treat onions. Look no further than Pierre Koffmann's Pissaladière recipe for notes on cooking onions until they are meltingly soft and sweet. Louise Robinson's French onion soup recipe sees this exquisite soup topped with oozing Gruyère toasts for a truly comforting dish.
Indian cuisine is another which truly appreciates the onion. Master the bhaji with Alfred Prasad's Onion bhaji recipe – a true classic that is surprisingly simple to make at home.
185 Recipes | Page 1 of 93
185 Recipes | Page 1 of 93