Asparagus with Parmesan snow, olive biscuit and hazelnuts

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This gourmet asparagus and Parmesan recipe from Agnar Sverrisson achieves distinction thanks to Parmesan bread (topped with olive powder), Parmesan snow and hazelnuts.

First published in 2015




Asparagus juice

Parmesan bread

  • 20g of parmesan, freshly grated
  • 20g of fresh yeast
  • 420g of plain flour
  • 10g of salt
  • 10g of sugar
  • 180ml of water
  • 50ml of olive oil
  • oil, to brush
  • 1 tsp black olive powder

Parmesan snow

To serve


  • Pasta machine
  • Ice cream maker
  • Juicer


Peel and chop the asparagus, retaining the trimmings. Blanch the asparagus tips in salted water and refresh in iced water
Push the asparagus trimmings through a juicer so you are left with just the juice
Thicken the asparagus juice with the xanthan gum using a stick blender
  • 4g of xanthan gum
Season the juice with the salt, sugar and Chardonnay vinegar. Pass through a fine sieve and set to one side
  • salt
  • sugar
  • 2 tsp Chardonnay vinegar
Preheat the oven to 60°C/gas mark 1/4
For the Parmesan bread, dissolve the yeast in a little water and add in the flour, salt, sugar, water and olive oil. Mix together to form a smooth but dry dough
  • 20g of fresh yeast
  • 420g of plain flour
  • 10g of salt
  • 10g of sugar
  • 180ml of water
  • 50ml of olive oil
Place in a bowl and put cling film over the top. Leave to prove until doubled in size
Roll out the dough using the pasta machine to 1-2mm and brush with oil. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan
  • oil, to brush
  • 20g of parmesan, freshly grated
Preheat the oven to 160°C/Gas mark 3
Bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes until golden brown, sprinkle with some olive powder and allow to cool on the tray. Snap the bread to required size when plating
To make the Parmesan snow, bring the water to the boil and soak the gelatine in cold water for 5 minutes. Add the Parmesan, salt, a pinch of pepper, lemon juice and the gelatine to the boiling water and then blitz with the stick blender
Pass through a fine sieve, chill and add the seasoning
Fill the ice cream machine and churn until it reaches a 'snow' consistency
Plate the asparagus with a chip of the bread and sprinkle both with Parmesan snow and hazelnuts
First published in 2015

Agnar Sverrisson’s modern European food combines seasonal British ingredients with Icelandic specialities, serving rustic, Nordic-inflected plates that highlight textural contrast and clean, intense flavours.

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