Black cod with petit pois and pea shoots

  • medium
  • 4
  • 60 minutes

Miso glazed black cod is a traditional Japanese dish with a very deep rich flavour. Xavier Boyer gives it a French twist here serving it with sweet petit pois and pea shoots. Black cod can be quite difficult to come by but regular cod will be a perfectly acceptable substitute.

First published in 2015




Miso mix

Pea puree

Pepper tuile

To plate


Place the sake and mirin in a small saucepan and burn off the alcohol by setting alight and waiting for the flames to die down. Add in the miso and sugar and stir until dissolved
Leave to mixture to completely cool then marinate the cod for 48 hours. After 48 hours rinse the fish and dry on kitchen paper
To make the pea puree, bring a pot of salted water to the boil. Blanch the peas for 2-3 minutes then refresh in iced water. Reserve half for garnish. Mix the rest with the wasabi and 50 g water and blitz in a blender until smooth. Season to taste. Just before serving reheat the peas in a little butter and heat the purée
To make the pepper tuile mix all of the ingredients together and brush onto pieces of parchment paper. To cook place the pieces of parchment on the surface of the oil, as the tuiles begin to cook they will separate from the paper. Cook for 1 minute, until crispy.
Brush a little of the miso mix on the black cod Cook under a medium grill for 8-10 minutes until caramelised
To plate, place a spoon of the pea puree in the bottom of the bowl with the cod on top. Sprinkle the peas around. Place a tuile on top of the fish and garnish with pea shoots. Finish with a pinch of espelette pepper and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil
First published in 2015

Xavier Boyer worked closely with Joël Robuchon to make the L’Atelier restaurants a success. His style showcases fresh, seasonal, clean flavours, beautiful textures and his playful creativity.

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