Blueberry granola breakfast bars


This fabulous blueberry granola bar recipe is just the thing for those who want a tasty homemade snack on the go. If you are really dedicated to the homemade cause, you could also make your own cereal for the bars by following our granola recipe.

First published in 2016

I used to be very anti granola bars. Very, very anti anything like a granola bar. What is the point? Why would you eat a bar of granola when you can just eat a bowlful for breakfast?

Then I had children.

Then I ran out of time to do everything that needed to be done in the mornings. To get them dressed and fed and packed for school and me dressed and fed and packed for work.

Then I started having breakfast on the commute into work. It just saved time and stress.

Then I got fed up of station cafes offerings of just croissants, pastries or fruit as proper breakfast options you could eat on the go, squashed up against someone on a crowded train whilst trying to hold a cuppa tea, a laptop bag and a bag for shoes. (One never wears one’s heels on the commute now. No no no. Since one’s very expensive LK Bennett’s got trodden on by one’s fellow commuters, one wears flip flops or trainers. And besides, one is usually running for one’s train and that would not be possible in one’s heels)

Then I started making granola bars.

Life is funny isn’t it? These healthy, filling bars are a necessity now. Otherwise I don’t eat anything til my tummy starts growling around noon or I start to feel dizzy. The latter is happening more and more with old age. So the granola bar I hated so very much has become my friend. My breakfast friend. My fill me up properly and see me through back to back meetings staple.

Here’s how I make mine. Enjoy. On a crowded commuter train or better still in your quiet kitchen with a nice cuppa.




Blueberry granola bars


Preheat the oven to 160°C/gas mark 3. Grease a 20cm square baking tin and line with greaseproof paper
Place the butter, syrup and sugar in a wok and bring to a gentle simmer. You could use a pan but I find a wok works well for mixing the dry ingredients in – like a mixing bowl
Add the remaining dry ingredients and mix well
Transfer the mixture into the prepared baking tin and bake for 30 minutes
Score the mixture into your desired portions as soon as it comes out of the oven and then leave it to cool in the tin. Take it out of the tin and let it cool completely before you cut the bars up
They’ll keep in an airtight tin for about a week. Remember the blueberries are fresh so the fridge would be the best place to store them
First published in 2016

Urvashi finds food, baking, cooking and eating a therapeutic relief from every day work and family life.

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