Cheese oatcakes

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These crumbly oatcakes are so simple to make and only use a few ingredients, although you could add other herbs or spices to suit your own tastes. Serve on their own as a snack or as part of a cheeseboard.

First published in 2015
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In a food processor, add all the ingredients and process until the mixture starts to come together as a ball of dough
Lay a large sheet of clingfilm flat on the worktop and scoop the dough out into the middle. Use the clingfilm to roll the dough into a rough sausage shape and seal tightly with the clingfilm. Place to rest in the fridge for 30 minutes
Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4. Grease a large baking tray with a little butter
The chilled dough should be fairly firm. Unwrap from the clingfilm and use a sharp knife to slice off rounds about 1cm thick (you should get 18–20 biscuits)
Place on the greased tray, spaced slightly apart so that they can spread when cooking. Bake in the preheated ovenfor 8–10 minutes
Allow to cool slightly on the tray as they will be fragile when hot, then carefully transfer to a wire rack to cool completely
First published in 2015

Nathan Outlaw cooks with understated brilliance and passionate respect for primary ingredients.

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