Chicken with vinegar sauce

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This chicken with vinegar sauce recipe by Helen Graves is a glorious twist on the classic French dish. For the uninitiated it may sound strange, but the tangy, deeply savoury sauce is a revelation.

First published in 2017

This sounds weird but is a riff on the French dish, ‘chicken in vinegar’. The sauce is piquant yet sweet and with the addition of cream makes a really beautiful and unusual meal. Serve with either baguette or herbed rice to soak up the sauce.




Chicken with vinegar sauce


Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4
Heat a skillet over a medium-high heat and add the oil. Brown the chicken pieces, turning until golden all over. Once evenly coloured, add the butter and baste the chicken for a minute or so
Place the skillet in the oven for 20 minutes. Remove the chicken and drain off most of the butter
Over a low heat, sauté the shallots and garlic with a pinch of salt until they're soft and sweet – be careful not to colour them. Remove from the pan
Add the vinegar and cider to the pan to deglaze and reduce by half. Remove the pan from the heat and let it cool a little
Once the sauce is around 50°C (you can pop a finger in without it burning) add the 4 tbsp of double cream and whisk it in. Taste and add a little more sugar if you think it needs it
Add the chicken and shallots back to the pan before serving. Once all heated through, serve with a crusty baguette and plenty of butter
First published in 2017

Helen Graves is Head of Content at Great British Chefs. She's also the author of the cookbook LIVE FIRE: Seasonal Barbecue Recipes and Stories of Live Fire Traditions, Old and New, and the editor of Pit, an independent magazine with roots in live fire cooking.

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