Chocolate fondant with nougatine biscuit and toffee sauce

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Dominic Chapman's chocolate fondant recipe comes complete with a helping of vanilla ice cream, nougatine biscuit and a delightfully viscous toffee sauce. Around ten fondants will be made from this recipe with lots of leftover ice cream and sauce to use for other desserts.

First published in 2015




Chocolate fondant

Vanilla ice cream

  • 500ml of double cream
  • 500ml of full-fat milk
  • 150g of sugar
  • 12 egg yolks
  • 3 vanilla pods

Nougatine biscuit

Toffee sauce

  • 250g of Demerara sugar
  • 60ml of glucose syrup
  • 60g of golden syrup
  • 225g of unsalted butter
  • 350ml of whipping cream


  • Ice cream maker
  • Silicon baking mat
  • Thermometer
  • Dariole moulds


First, make the nougatine biscuit. Mix together the pectin and a small amount of the sugar in a small bowl. Boil together the milk, glucose, butter, and sugar in a heavy bottomed pan, and once the mix reaches boiling point, pour in the pectin and sugar, whisking continuously. Cook out until the mix reaches 106°C, stirring occasionally so that it cooks evenly
  • 100ml of milk
  • 100ml of glucose
  • 5g of pectin
  • 300g of sugar
  • 250g of butter
Remove from the heat and add the remaining ingredients to the pan. Stir to combine, then scrape out onto a silicon baking mat, taking care as the mixture will be very hot. Place another silicone mat on top and roll the mix out as thinly as possible. Leave to set at room temperature
To make the vanilla ice cream, place the cream, milk and vanilla in a pan and bring to the boil. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar together until pale. Pour the contents of the pan over the egg and sugar mix, whisk to combine, then return back to the pan and cook to 82°C, stirring constantly
  • 500ml of double cream
  • 500ml of full-fat milk
  • 3 vanilla pods
  • 150g of sugar
  • 12 egg yolks
Pass through a fine sieve into a bowl set over ice. Allow to chill, then churn in an ice cream maker
To make the chocolate fondant, add the chocolate and butter to a heatproof bowl and set over a pan of gently simmering water (do not allow the base of the bowl to touch the water). Stir gently until the chocolate and butter have melted together to form and thick, smooth sauce
In a separate bowl, mix the eggs, egg yolks and sugar together, then fold into the chocolate and butter mix. Sift the four and gently fold into the mix until just incorporated
Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6
Butter and dust some fondant moulds with cocoa powder and leave to chill in the fridge. Carefully pour the mixture into each mould until two thirds full, and bake in the oven for 8-10 minutes
For the toffee sauce, place the sugar, both syrups and the butter in a thick-bottomed pan and heat gently to 160°C
  • 250g of Demerara sugar
  • 60ml of glucose syrup
  • 60g of golden syrup
  • 225g of unsalted butter
Meanwhile, warm the cream in a separate pan until hot but not boiling. Slowly and carefully whisk the hot cream into the 160°C sugar mixture, stirring constantly until well combined
  • 350ml of whipping cream
Pass through a sieve and allow to cool - the sauce should be dark in colour and taste slightly bitter
Remove the fondants, turn off the oven and allow the nougatine biscuits to warm through in the residual heat. Serve each fondant with a quenelle of the churned vanilla ice cream, nougatine biscuit and some toffee sauce
First published in 2015

Dominic Chapman's passion for food is in the blood: his family has owned and run the highly acclaimed Castle Hotel in Taunton for over 60 years.

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