Home-smoked salmon with pickled cucumber, crème fraîche and English wasabi gazpacho

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Matthew Tomkinson's pairs home-smoked salmon with an English wasabi gazpacho in this cold-smoked salmon recipe - great to have on hand for brunches, rillettes, terrine, sandwiches, bagels or other favourites.

First published in 2015
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Pickled cucumber

  • 1 cucumber, peeled
  • 20ml of white wine vinegar
  • 20ml of water
  • 20g of caster sugar, to taste

English wasabi gazpacho

  • 1 tbsp of fresh wasabi, English, grated, plus extra to taste
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled and seeds removed
  • 300g of vegetable stock, light
  • 2 tbsp of basil, fresh
  • 2 tbsp of chervil, fresh
  • 2 tbsp of chives, fresh
  • 150g of mascarpone
  • salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar

To serve

  • 200ml of crème fraîche
  • 10g of Ebène caviar
  • 16 borage flowers, or leaves


  • Blender
  • Cold-smoker


To cure the salmon for smoking, add the sea salts and sugar to a bowl and mix well. Spread 1/3 of the cure mix out in a suitably-sized tray and place the salmon on top. Cover the salmon with the remaining mix and leave to cure for 48 hours
Once ready to smoke, wash the salt mix off the salmon and pat dry. Place in the cold-smoker for 8 hours, then leave uncovered in the fridge overnight. Once required, use a very sharp knife to thinly slice the salmon
For the pickled cucumber, bring the vinegar, water and sugar to the boil, then leave to cool. Using a peeler, peel long wide strips using the full length of the cucumber (like fettuccine) and drop into the cooled pickle. Leave to stand
  • 20ml of white wine vinegar
  • 20ml of water
  • 20g of caster sugar, to taste
  • 1 cucumber, peeled
Add all of the wasabi gazpacho ingredients, except the mascarpone, to a blender and blitz until very smooth. Mix in the cheese, push through a fine sieve and chill the mix until very cold
  • 1 tbsp of fresh wasabi, English, grated, plus extra to taste
  • 2 cucumbers, peeled and seeds removed
  • 300g of vegetable stock, light
  • 2 tbsp of basil, fresh
  • 2 tbsp of chervil, fresh
  • 2 tbsp of chives, fresh
  • 150g of mascarpone
Once cold, adjust the seasoning with salt and a pinch of sugar. Add more wasabi if desired or grate it fresh at the table
  • salt
  • 1 pinch of sugar
In chilled soup bowls, place curled up slices of the salmon along with rolled up cucumber strips. Add a few blobs of the crème fraîche and top with the caviar
Scatter a few borage flowers and/or leaves into each bowl and serve the wasabi gazpacho alongside to pour in
  • 16 borage flowers, or leaves
First published in 2015

Matthew Tomkinson’s elegant and highly accomplished food earned him a Roux Scholarship in 2005, as well as Michelin stars at The Goose and The Montagu Arms.

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