Courgette flowers with goat's cheese and violet jelly

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A dreamy combination of goats cheese and violet jelly, which can be bought from speciality ingredients stores, gives Pascal Aussignac's courgette flowers recipe a distinctive edge. This is a fabulous dish for summer when courgette flowers are in season.

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  • Piping bag 1-2cm nozzle
  • Steamer
  • Blender


For the courgette flower filling filling, mix the goat's cheese, double cream and rosemary, season with salt and pepper. Place into a piping bag with a small nozzle. Set aside while you prepare the flowers
Remove the stamen/pistils from the flowers. Pipe the goat's cheese mix into the flowers. Set aside in the fridge
  • 4 courgette flowers
Cut the courgette into quarters and remove the white flesh in the centre. Blanch the green of the courgette in salted boiling water for 3 minutes or until tender
Strain and place directly into ice water. Pour off the ice water and mix the green courgette skin with the olive oil, orgeat syrup, a pinch of salt and a pinch of Espelette pepper and blend until smooth
Season the violet jelly with salt and Espelette pepper and add enough water to have a runny consistency. Keep warm
  • 10g of violet jelly
Season the flowers with olive oil and salt. Steam for 4 minutes, remove from the steamer and glaze the flowers in the jelly
To serve, spoon the courgette and orgeat purée onto plates and place the courgette flowers on top

Pascal Aussignac left France with business partner Vincent Labeyrie to champion 'la cuisine de Gascogne' at his restaurant, Club Gascon, in 1998.

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