Crispy vegetable fritters

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This crispy vegetable fritters recipe from Colin McGurran will make a superb snack when served with a variety of dips. It is a great recipe for getting kids to enjoy their greens.

First published in 2015





Pour the oil into a pan to a depth of approximately 2.5cm. Heat the oil until it is just beginning to smoke
  • 500ml of sunflower oil, for frying
Meanwhile, mix together the flour, paprika and cayenne pepper in a large bowl. Add the cauliflower, broccoli and carrots and mix with your hands to get the vegetables nicely coated
Once the oil is hot enough, remove a couple of the florets from the bowl (it's best to fry in batches), shake off the excess flour and lower into the oil. Fry until golden, remove and place on kitchen towel to absorb the excess oil
Serve the fritters warm with a slice of lemon and a pinch of salt
First published in 2015

Colin McGurran began his career with a burning ambition to own a red Mercedes. Almost 20 years on and he has fulfilled that ambition and much more besides.

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