The Pony and Trap curry sauce

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Curry sauce is considered a local speciality in many parts of the UK, with the variation between sauces a hotly disputed topic. If you are making Josh Eggleton's curry sauce recipe be sure to pair it with some heavenly chunky chips.

First published in 2015




Curry sauce


  • Liquidiser


Place a pan over a medium heat and melt the butter. Add the shallots and garlic, cook until soft then add the spices and sliced chilli. Cook for 8 minutes
Add the carrots to the pan and stir to coat in the spices. Add the water, bring to the boil and simmer until the carrots are very soft. If all of the liquid evaporates, add a splash more water
  • 200ml of water
  • 300g of carrots, peeled and sliced
Once the carrots are cooked, add the coconut milk and blend in a liquidiser. Serve warm with chips
First published in 2015

Josh Eggleton turned down jobs with some of Britain’s most renowned chefs in order to follow his dream of running his own establishment. At The Pony Chew Valley, he cooks modern British food with an emphasis on sustainability and artisanship.

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