Moong daal

  • Side
  • Serves 4
  • 30 minutes
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This comforting moong daal recipe from Sumayya Usmani gains its heady flavour from a homemade garam masala and tempered cumin seeds, dried chillies and curry leaves. Serve as a side, or as a main course with rice or bread.

First published in 2016

Recipe and images extracted from Summers Under the Tamarind Tree: Recipes & Memories from Pakistan by Sumayya Usmani, photography by Joanna Yee. Published by Frances Lincoln, £20.00.




Garam masala

Moong daal


Place the lentils in a saucepan and pour in enough water to cover. Add 1 sliced garlic clove and the turmeric and mix well. Bring the lentils to the boil and cook over a medium heat for 12–15 minutes, stirring occasionally until the lentils are cooked through
Meanwhile make the garam masala. Place all of the ingredients in a spice grinder and grind to a powder. Store in an airtight jar for up to 3 months
Using the back of a spoon, mash the lentils then pour into a serving dish and add salt to taste
Heat the ghee, oil and butter in a small frying pan or tarka pan over a medium heat. When hot, add the cumin and allow to splutter for 30 seconds
Add the rest of the garlic and allow to brown a little. Add the red chillies for a few seconds then finally add the curry leaves for just a second
Quickly pour over the daal, then garnish with chopped coriander, chilli, 1/2 tsp of the garam masala and crispy fried onions. Eat hot with bread or rice as an accompaniment or by itself
First published in 2016

Sumayya Usmani is a cookbook author, writer and cookery teacher who specialises in Pakistani cuisine.

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