Elderflower gin

  • Drink
  • Makes 500ml
  • 10 minutes
Not yet rated

Nothing heralds the beginning of British summertime like the elderflower, and by steeping the flowers in gin you can capture and enjoy their flavour for the months ahead. The flowers will impart their flavour after just twenty-four hours, making this a quick and easy infusion.

First published in 2019

Elderflower gin is a great way of making the most of the bountiful elderflower plant. A quick twenty-four hours will be enough time to infuse your gin with the wonderfully floral scent of spring! Adjust the sugar levels if you prefer something sweeter, of feel free to add lemon peel or a vanilla pod for a twist.





  • Muslin cloth
  • Sterilised 500ml jar
  • Sterilised bottle


Brush any bugs off the elderflowers
Place in a sterilised jar with the sugar and gin and seal
Shake up the jar to dissolve the sugar and leave to steep for 24 hours
Strain the gin through a muslin cloth and transfer to a sterilised bottle. Best enjoyed within 1 month
First published in 2019

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