Gluten and sugar-free chocolate supreme cake

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The love child of a Devil's Food Cake and a brownie waved over with an angel's wand. Can you believe this cake is made with beans and is not only sugar free but gluten free too? Tess shares how to create it.

‘Oh no you didn’t’... Was the first response from my mum when she saw this cake sitting proud as punch on its stand in her kitchen.

My mum, like so many millions of women (and men) has a bit of a weakness when it comes to chocolate .. you know what I’m saying. The last few months she has been on a health kick, attempting to cut back on sugar. Ever the helpful daughter I made it a mission to come up with a pudding that could satisfy her love of chocolate without the sugar. Four tries later and here it is .... I apologise I didn’t get a photo of it in all its glory. I'm sure you can imagine what happened, with four hungry people in the house...

The love child of a Devil's Food Cake and a brownie waved over with an angel's wand.

Viola la Chocolat Supreme Cake.

Gluten free and sugar free but most definitely not fun free!

You will need 2 12inch springform cake tins. Alternately use the same one twice and bake in batches.




For the cake

  • 800g of black beans, 2 400g tins. Alternately soak and cook black beans from dried
  • 8 large eggs
  • 4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 160g of salted butter
  • 6 tbsp of agave syrup, or honey
  • 4 tsp stevia extract
  • 100g of cocoa powder
  • 2 tsp baking powder, gluten free
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda, gluten free
  • 1 orange, zest only. Optional
  • 150g of chocolate, sweetened with xylitol or a natural sweetener

For the icing


Preheat oven to 170 degrees Celsius
Grease both cake tins with a thin layer of butter. Cut two rounds of parchment paper and line the bottom of the pan, then grease the parchment lightly. Dust cocoa all over the inside of the tins, tapping to evenly distribute
Drain and rinse beans in a strainer or colander, wash them throughly and shake off excess water. Place the beans, 6 of the eggs, vanilla, stevia and salt into blender. Blend on a high setting until beans are completely pureed
In a bowl, use a mixer to cream the butter with agave / honey until light and fluffy. Mix in the two remaining eggs, beating for a minute after each addition. Beat the bean mixture into this batter
Mix together cocoa powder, baking soda and baking powder
Finally, stir in cocoa powder, baking powder and soda and beat the batter on high for one minute, until smooth. If need be put the batter through a coarse sieve to ensure it is extra smooth
Scrape half the batter into pan and smooth the top. Grip pan firmly by the edges and rap it on the counter a few times to pop any air bubbles. Break the chocolate into chunks and dot half them over the batter, reserve the rest for the other cake
Bake the cake for 30 minutes. The cake is done when the top springs back when you press on it. Remove cake to a cooling rack to cool for 10 minutes. If you are using one tin, repeat the process again. Let both cakes cool until they reach room temperature, then you can ice the cake
To make the icing for the cake, beat all of the icing ingredients in a food processor on a high heat until fully mixed. Put it in the fridge to harden slightly if need be. Spread the icing over the top of one of the cakes. Place the other cake on top and cover with the remaining icing
Slice and serve

Tess Ward is a freelance cook, caterer, food writer and budding TV chef.

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