Grouse, fried brioche and fig purée

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This visually stunning grouse recipe from Kevin Mangeolles is an inspiring dish that entails cooking sous-vide, so make sure you have all the necessary equipment before starting. This is a brilliant starter from The Neptune's star chef, and a great recipe to test your cooking skills.

First published in 2015




Grouse and brioche sandwich


  • 500g of strong bread flour
  • 10g of salt
  • 25g of sugar
  • 375g of butter
  • 23g of yeast
  • 25ml of milk
  • 6 eggs

Fig purée

To plate


  • Fine sieve
  • Liquidiser
  • Water bath
  • Sous vide equipment


Remove the legs from the grouse and trim them neatly. Put the grouse in the fridge until needed. Put the legs in a vac-pac bag with the onion, garlic, mushroom, thyme and butter. Seal the bag and cook in a water bath at 83ºC for 4 hours
When cooked, open the pouch and remove the legs. Set the legs aside and make sure you do not have any skin, bone or sinew in the bag. Liquidise the contents and set aside. Pick all the meat from the legs, discarding the skin and set aside in a bowl. Add the liquidised bag contents to the picked meat, and blitz in a blender to make a pâté
Whilst the legs are cooking, turn to the brioche. By the time the brioche is ready, the meat will have cooked. Mix the flour, salt and sugar in a bowl. Mix the milk and yeast together and then add to the flour
  • 500g of strong bread flour
  • 10g of salt
  • 25g of sugar
  • 25ml of milk
  • 23g of yeast
Add the eggs to the flour and mix, adding the butter a bit at time. Continue mixing until you get a smooth dough, then cover with clingfilm and allow to prove (it should double in size - this should normally take around 2 hours). Once proved, knock back the dough and refrigerate for an hour
Take it out of the fridge and cut in half. Place in 2 terrine moulds, prove and bake at 175ºC/Gas mark 3 for approximately 40 minutes. Once golden brown, take out of the oven and allow to cool on a wire rack
Slice the loaf into ½ cm thick pieces and spread with some of the grouse pâté. Top with another slice so you have a sandwich - repeat until you have made 6
For the fig purée, place all the ingredients in a pan and simmer for 1 hour. Take the cinnamon and star anise out and liquidise the pan contents, then pass though a fine sieve
Return to the grouse and take the breasts off the bone. Roll the breast meat into sausage shapes in cling film. Poach in the water bath for 8 minutes at 63ºC
To serve, place a little oil and butter in a pan and fry the brioche sandwiches on both sides. Remove the grouse breasts from the water bath, take out of the cling film and fry in a pan with a little oil. Add the trompette mushrooms to the pan and fry for 2 minutes
Place dots of fig purée on the plate. Slice the grouse breast into 3 pieces and cut the brioche into triangles. Arrange the grouse breast in the centre of the plate. Place the brioche between the pieces of grouse. Add the fried trompettes on top. Cut the figs into wedges and position on the plate. Serve immediately
First published in 2015

Given the name of Chef Kevin Mangeolles’ restaurant – The Neptune, in Hunstanton, Norfolk – you’d be right to suspect that the chef has an affinity for quarry caught with net or hook.

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