Jasmine, yuzu, milk


This stunning jasmine, yuzu and milk dessert recipe from Sat Bains is full of surprising flavours and textural contrast, using liquid nitrogen, siphons and dehydrators to full effect. Break through the milk crisp and meringue exterior and you'll find yuzu gel and creamy milk ice cream.

First published in 2017




Milk ice cream

  • 3l milk
  • 600ml of cream
  • 280g of sugar
  • 130g of Diamant 50
  • 80g of milk powder

Milk foam crisps

  • 1l milk
  • 100g of glucose


  • 190g of egg white
  • 190g of sugar
  • 150g of icing sugar

Yuzu gel

  • 500ml of stock syrup, (50/50 water and sugar)
  • 250ml of yuzu juice
  • 10g of agar agar

Jasmine kombucha


  • Ice cream maker
  • Silpat mat 2
  • Hand blender with frothing attachment
  • Thermometer
  • Piping bags
  • Liquid nitrogen
  • Dehydrator
  • Siphon bottle or cream whipper
  • N2O cartridge 2


Start by making the milk ice cream. Add the milk to a saucepan and reduce until you are left with 1.2 litres. Pass through a fine sieve then return to the pan with the sugar, Diamant 50 and milk powder. Bring to the boil
  • 3l milk
  • 280g of sugar
  • 80g of milk powder
  • 130g of Diamant 50
Remove from the heat, cool until lukewarm then blend in the cream. Transfer to a container and chill. Once chilled, churn in an ice cream maker then store in the freezer
  • 600ml of cream
To make the meringue, whisk the egg whites to stiff peaks then gradually sift the sugars in until you have a nice glossy mixture
  • 190g of egg white
  • 190g of sugar
  • 150g of icing sugar
Spread the meringue in a thin layer over a silpat mat and place in the dehydrator at 60°C until crisp
To make the milk foam crisps, bring the milk and glucose to 80°C, then foam up using the frothing attachment on a hand blender
  • 100g of glucose
  • 1l milk
Skim the foam from the top and place on a silpat mat in a thin layer. Dehydrate at 70°C until crisp
To make the yuzu gel, place all the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil. Skim off any scum that rises to the surface then transfer to a container and chill
  • 10g of agar agar
  • 500ml of stock syrup, (50/50 water and sugar)
  • 250ml of yuzu juice
Once set, blend the jelly to a smooth gel and transfer to a piping bag
For the jasmine kombucha, soak the gelatine leaf in cold water. Warm the kombucha to 60°C, add the soaked gelatine and whisk until it has dissolved
Allow to cool and partially set, then transfer to a siphon, charge with two N2O canisters and inject into liquid nitrogen. Drain and store in the freezer until needed
Place 10 serving plates in the freezer
To serve, place a quenelle of ice cream on each frozen plate and add 6 dots of yuzu gel. Add a piece of kombucha on top, followed by the milk crisps and meringue
First published in 2017

In an unassuming industrial estate just outside Nottingham, Sat Bains cooks incredible tasting menus to a two-Michelin-starred level.

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