Slow-cooked lamb shoulder with Stichelton potatoes, rosemary carrots and a hot cross crumb

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Michael Bremner's delicious slow cooked lamb shoulder recipe makes a perfect Sunday roast. Served alongside gooey Stichelton crushed potatoes and rosemary-glazed carrots sprinkled with a hot cross crumb topping, this is a roast dinner with a few 'cheffy' twists sure to impress the family year-round.This dish goes particularly well with a glass of Carnivor Zinfandel red wine, as the rich, deep, fruity flavours of the wine complement the slow-cooked lamb and savouriness of the blue cheese. It would work very well with Carnivor's Cabernet Sauvignon, which has bold blackberry and oak flavours.

First published in 2020




Slow cooked lamb

Stichelton roast potatoes

Rosemary glazed carrots

Brioche crumb

  • 1 hot cross bun, stale
  • salt


Start a day ahead. With a sharp knife make some random 2.5cm deep cuts in the shoulder and stuff them with the peeled garlic cloves and rosemary. Season well with salt and pepper then cover and leave in the fridge overnight
The next day, preheat an oven to 160°C/gas mark 3. Remove the lamb from the fridge and scrape off any excess salt
Place the chopped vegetables and bay leaves in a large roasting tray and sit the lamb shoulder on top. Add the stock to the base of the tray, rub the shoulder with the oil and season with salt and pepper
Cover with foil then roast the lamb for 3.5 hours
Peel the carrots then oblique cut (or roll cut) the carrots. Do this by slicing the carrots on an angle, then roll the carrot on the board and slice again on the angle to create little triangular wedges
Place the carrots in a wide pan or frying pan with high sides and add the rosemary, butter, sugar, water and a good pinch of salt. Cover with a circle of parchment paper (cartouche) and simmer for 5 minutes
Remove the cartouche and turn up the heat to reduce the water. You'll be left with delicious glazed carrots. Keep warm or set aside to reheat before serving
Once the lamb has been cooking for 3.5 hours, turn the oven up to 190°C/gas mark 5, remove the foil and roast for a final 30 minutes to get a nice golden colour
Once the oven goes up to 190°C, roast the potatoes. Toss the new potatoes with garlic, salt and oil and roast in the oven with the lamb for 35–45 minutes until soft all the way through and golden on the outside
Remove the lamb shoulder from the tray and leave to rest in a warm place. Pass the stock through a sieve into a pan then spoon off as much of the fat as possible and reserve for the brioche crumb
Reduce the stock by a quarter and finish with some red wine vinegar until you're happy with the flavour. Set aside and keep warm or reheat before serving
  • red wine vinegar, good quality
Once the potatoes are cooked through, grate or crumble the cheese over the top, then return to the oven for 10 minutes or until the cheese has melted
To make the crumb, blend or cut the hot cross bun into a coarse crumb and fry in the reserved lamb fat until golden. Season and drain on kitchen paper, then sprinkle over the carrots, reheating them if required
  • salt
  • 1 hot cross bun, stale
Serve the lamb with the potatoes and carrots, either in separate serving dishes or together in a large serving bowl or platter

Few chefs cooking today are as exciting as Michael Bremner, who takes flavours from all over the world and distills them into beautiful small plates of deliciousness at his acclaimed restaurant in Brighton.

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