Lemon and lime meringue pie

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This beautiful little meringue pie recipe combines the tangy, bright flavours of lemons and limes in a smooth curd, hidden underneath the lightly blowtorched Italian meringue.

First published in 2019




Sweet pastry

Italian meringue


To serve


  • Blowtorch
  • 10cm ring mould 6
  • Blender
  • Piping bag and nozzle


Begin by making the pastry. Cream together the butter and icing sugar in the bowl of a stand mixer with a paddle attachment until it turns into a white paste. Stir in the lemon zest, then add the flour and salt (through a sieve to sift it) and combine until the mixture resembles a sandy crumble
With the motor still running on a slow speed, add the egg and egg yolk a little at a time. Once fully incorporated and a firm, smooth dough has formed, wrap in cling film and place in the fridge to chill for 2 hours
Meanwhile, make the meringue. Add the water and sugar to a pan and bring to the boil. Continue cooking until it reaches 121°C
  • 200g of caster sugar
  • 75ml of water
When the sugar syrup has started to boil, start whisking the egg whites in a stand mixer on full speed. By the time the sugar syrup reaches 121°C, the egg whites should start looking like meringue. Once up to temperature, slowly pour the sugar syrup into the egg whites with the motor still running
Once all the syrup has been added, continue to whisk as the meringue cools down. Once cool, transfer to a piping bag with a small nozzle
To make the curd, pour the lemon and lime juices into a saucepan and bring to the boil. In a separate bowl, cream together the egg yolks, eggs and sugar, then pour the hot citrus juices over the top and whisk until smooth
Transfer the mixture back into the saucepan and bring back to the boil, whisking constantly, then pour into a blender. Blitz, adding the butter a little at a time, until smooth and emulsified. Mix in the lime zest and pour into a plastic container to cool
Once the pastry has rested for 2 hours, dust a work surface with flour and roll out until 5mm thick. Cut into 6 large rounds (big enough to comfortably line 10cm tart moulds) and return to the fridge to firm up
Preheat an oven to 160°C/gas mark 3. Line the moulds with the pastry, then line with baking paper and fill with baking beans or dried rice. Blind-bake the tarts for 15–20 minutes until golden, then remove from the oven and leave to cool. Trim to neaten the sides if required
When ready to serve, remove the pastry cases from their moulds and place in the centre of each plate. Pipe or spoon the curd into the base of each tart case, with a little peak in the middle, then pipe the meringue in a circular motion from the middle outwards until the curd is completely covered (use a turntable if you have one for a neater finish)
Use a blowtorch to lightly colour the meringue, then finely grate over a little lime zest to finish
First published in 2019

Michael Caines is one of the most respected chefs in the UK. With his own Michelin-starred country house hotel Lympstone Manor, he is writing the next chapter in his illustrious career.

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