Milk chocolate, raspberry and thyme tart

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The classic combination of chocolate and raspberries is put front and centre with this simple chocolate tart from Marcus Wareing. The addition of thyme might sound unusual, but the floral flavour works beautifully in desserts. This recipe is taken from Marcus Everyday by Marcus Wareing, with photography by Susan Bell (HarperCollins, £20).

First published in 2019







  • Non-stick 22cm loose-bottomed fluted tart tin
  • Stick blender


To make the pastry, rub together the flour, sea salt and cold butter in a bowl until the mixture resembles breadcrumbs (or blitz in a food processor). Stir in the sugar and gradually add the beaten egg to form a soft, pliable dough (you might not need all the egg). Gently form the pastry into a ball, flatten it, then wrap it in clingfilm and chill for 30 minutes
  • 140g of plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 90g of unsalted butter, chilled and diced
  • 40g of caster sugar
  • 1 egg, beaten
Dust a work surface lightly with flour, unwrap the pastry and roll it out to a 4mm-thick circle. Use it to line a 22cm, high-sided, loose-bottomed tart tin, leaving a little excess pastry to hang over the edges. Return to the fridge for 20 minutes
Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 220°C/200°C fan/gas 7. Line the pastry case with baking parchment and fill with baking beans. Sit the tart case on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature to 180°C/160°C fan/gas 4 and bake the tart case for a further 15 minutes, until it starts to turn golden and becomes firm. Remove the baking beans and parchment, brush with the egg yolk and return the case to the oven for a further 5 minutes, until evenly golden
While the tart case is baking, start making the filling. Put the double cream, milk and thyme in a medium saucepan, bring to a simmer and let it simmer for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, cover and set aside to infuse for 20 minutes. Strain into a clean saucepan, discarding the thyme and bring back to a simmer
  • 300ml of double cream
  • 100ml of whole milk
  • 1/2 bunch of thyme
Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl and pour the hot cream and milk over the top. Cover and leave to sit for 5 minutes. Add the eggs and, using a stick blender, mix until well combined. Pass through a fine sieve into a jug
Reduce the oven temperature to 140°C/120°C fan/gas 1. Remove the oven tray slightly from the oven. With the tart case in the oven, pour the chocolate mix into the shell. Sprinkle the raspberry pieces on top and, using a spoon, swirl to distribute evenly
Bake the tart for 40–45 minutes until there is just a slight wobble in the middle. Carefully remove from the oven and leave to cool. When cool enough to handle, trim away the excess pastry with a sharp knife, and when fully cool remove the tart from the tin
To serve, dust with the cocoa powder and slice using a hot knife
First published in 2019

Marcus Wareing defines his inimitable cooking style as 'not British cuisine, not French cuisine – it’s Marcus cuisine'.

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