Pasta with ceps and boudin blanc

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A rich and gutsy dish from Ockenden Manor's Stephen Crane: the secret here is to only use the freshest ceps. We recommend that you make ake the boudin blanc and pasta in advance.

First published in 2015





Cep purée

Boudin blanc


  • Food processor or blender


For the pasta, caramelise the sliced ceps in a frying pan with some butter, when golden take them out
Saute the spinach in little bit of butter, season with salt, sugar and nutmeg
Cook the pasta sheets for 2 minutes in boiling water
For the cep purée, caramelise the diced ceps in butter. Add the chopped shallot and when golden add the tomato purée
Cool for 2 minutes and deglaze with Madeira and cream. Cool for 2 minutes at low heat. Pour the sauce into a blender and blitz until smooth
  • 90ml of Madeira
  • 190ml of double cream
For the boudin blanc, chop the chicken, foie gras, white bread soaked in milk, and the egg in a food processor until you get a smooth texture
If you want, you can press it through a sieve. Fold in the cream and season to taste
  • 190ml of cream
To cook the boudin blanc, roll it in cling film into a sausage shape and cook for 20 minutes at 90⁰C. Leave to cool down in the pan
To serve put a sheet of pasta on a plate, add a few drop of the cep purée and scatter with some cool spinach and caramelised cep
Divide the fresh boudin blanc into balls and steam for 4-5 minutes, then spoon on the pasta
Hand blend the cep sauce to get some bubbles pour some bubbles over the boudin blanc and pasta
First published in 2015

As head chef of the idyllic Ockenden Manor in the countryside of Sussex, chef Stephen Crane cooks refined, French-influenced food, and given his pedigree, that’s no great surprise.

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