Pastrami brine

  • Other
  • Makes 3 litres of brine
  • 15 minutes
Not yet rated

This pastrami brine recipe is perfect if you're looking to make your own pastrami, but works equally well when you want to infuse some extra flavour into beef, venison and salmon. Take a look at our brining guide for more information.

First published in 2019

A pastrami spice blend contains the distinctive flavours of pepper, coriander seeds, garlic powder and brown sugar, but can contain many other spices from recipe to recipe – mustard seeds and fennel seeds are common additions. Synonymous with beef brisket, which is gradually brined over five days to let the spices do their work, these flavours also go nicely with venison or even salmon. Making pastrami is more involved than just brining the meat. To learn about the whole process, visit our guide to making pastrami.





To make the brine, simply place all the ingredients in a large pan with a litre of water. Bring to the boil, stirring until the sugar has dissolved
Remove from the heat and add the remaining 2 litres of brine. Allow to cool completely before using

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