Green rhubarb sorbet


Christoffer Hruskova's rhubarb sorbet recipe could be used as one component of a larger dessert, or enjoyed on its own. Green rhubarb refers to underripe rhubarb, which makes the sorbet wonderfully tart.

First published in 2015
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Green rhubarb sorbet


  • Ice cream maker
  • Juicer


Use a juicer to juice the rhubarb. If you do not have a juicer, chop and blitz the rhubarb in a blender until as smooth as possible, then pass through a fine sieve, using a spatula or ladle to press out as much juice as possible
Combine the sugar and 75ml of water in a pan and heat until all of the sugar has dissolved and you are left with a sugar syrup
  • 75g of sugar
  • 75ml of water
Combine the rhubarb juice, sugar syrup and 50ml of water and place in the fridge until cool. Remove and churn in an ice cream maker. Store in the freezer until ready to serve
  • 50ml of water
First published in 2015

Christoffer Hruskova has built his success on using traditional Scandinavian cooking and preserving techniques to create awe-inspiring dishes and now owns a bakery, The Bread Station, in London Fields.

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