Rice pudding with ginger snap dunkers

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A homemade rice pudding is the ultimate comfort food, and surely you can't beat Josh Eggleton's recipe which is gently spiced with bay, ginger, lemon and vanilla. Well, think again, as his additional recipe for homemade ginger snaps elevate this to a truly perfect dessert, and you may even have some biscuits leftover...

First published in 2015
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Rice pudding

Ginger snap biscuits

  • 350g of plain flour, plus extra for dusting
  • 100g of butter
  • 1 1/2 tsp ground ginger
  • 1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
  • 175g of soft brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp of golden syrup
  • 1 egg


  • Pastry cutter


For the biscuits, preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4
Add the flour, butter, ground ginger and bicarbonate of soda to a mixing bowl
Pinch the ingredients between your thumb and forefinger until the mix resembles breadcrumbs
Add the soft brown sugar, golden syrup and egg, mix well until a firm pastry mix is formed
  • 175g of soft brown sugar
  • 4 tbsp of golden syrup
  • 1 egg
Dust a rolling pin and work surface with flour. Roll out the pastry to about 5mm thick. Use a pastry cutter to cut out approximately 60 biscuits
Place the cut out pastry on a greased or non-stick baking tray. Cook in the preheated oven for 7 minutes, or until golden. Allow to cool
Wash the rice and place in a baking dish. Add the rest of the ingredients and cook in an oven set to 150°C/gas mark 2 for 20-30 minutes
Divide the rice pudding across 8 bowls and serve with the ginger snap biscuits
First published in 2015

Josh Eggleton turned down jobs with some of Britain’s most renowned chefs in order to follow his dream of running his own establishment. At The Pony Chew Valley, he cooks modern British food with an emphasis on sustainability and artisanship.

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