Spiced roasted cauliflower and orange salad

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Earthy, gently-spiced cauliflower and sweet, tart orange make excellent bedfellows in this hearty vegan salad, scattered with a handful of toasted cashews for extra crunch and lightly pickled onions for bite and tanginess. There's no need to throw away the leaves and stems – they are just as delicious, if not moreso, than cauliflower florets. In fact, if you have a glut of leaves to use up, you can make this dish with them alone. Read Victoria's feature for further tips on using up veg tops and leaves.

First published in 2019

Cauliflower and orange might not sound like an obvious pairing, but trust me: the heat and nuttiness of the roasted cauliflower makes the perfect contrast to the sweet, citrus tang of the orange. It also works wonderfully with mandarins, tangerines, or any other small orange. If you pick up a cauliflower with lots of leaves on it, you can use just the leaves in this warm winter salad and save the florets for another meal. You can also save the orange skin to make candied peel or shichimi togarashi.





Preheat the oven to 200°C/gas mark 6
Toss the onion in 1 tsp salt and the vinegar. Leave to stand for 30 minutes – this will take the harshness out of the raw onion
Trim the leaves off the cauliflower and cut the rough outer leaves into 2.5cm pieces. Leave the softer inner leaves whole. Cut the florets from the cauliflower and cut any larger ones in half. After trimming off any woody bits, cut the stalk into manageable chunks
Slosh the oil in a large roasting tin and stir in the cumin and chilli powder. Season generously with salt and stir to combine
Tip in the cauliflower pieces and stir until each piece is thoroughly coated. Roast for 20–25 minutes
Just before you are ready to serve, strain the onions, reserving the vinegar
Whisk together the reserved pickling vinegar, garlic, Dijon, extra virgin olive oil, honey (if using), coriander and any juice from the oranges in a bowl. Add the orange segments
Arrange the roasted cauliflower on a serving dish and spoon over the vinaigrette, along with the orange segments. Scatter over the onions and cashew nuts and serve
First published in 2019

Victoria is a London-based food writer and recipe developer. She was the Roald Dahl Museum’s first ever Gastronomic Writer in Residence and has written six books, including her latest, Too Good To Waste.

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