Roasted carrots with labneh, dukkah and mixed herb oil

  • Side
  • 4
  • 60 minutes plus time for the yoghurt to strain overnight

Mixed herb oil looks so pretty when poured over a light, creamy base such as this labneh, which is very easy to make at home. You could top with your favourite roasted vegetables - aubergines, courgettes and onions would all be lovely. Here we’ve used carrots and garnished them with some dukkah, for extra pops of spice. Make your own mixed herb oil by following our recipe.

First published in 2023





  • 500g of yoghurt
  • 500g of carrots, cut in half lengthways
  • salt
  • neutral oil
  • mixed herb oil, to serve



  • Muslin cloth



Combine the yoghurt with a pinch of fine salt and mix well. Transfer to a brand new jay cloth or piece of muslin and tie at the top to secure. Hang the yoghurt over a bowl (or place into a sieve) and allow to drain overnight if possible, or for at least a few hours


Preheat the oven to 200ºC/gas mark 6


Cook the carrots in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, then drain

  • 500g of carrots, cut in half lengthways

Toss the carrots with a splash of oil, then roast for 30–40 minutes, or until tender and beginning to caramelise

  • neutral oil

Toast the sesame seeds in a dry pan, then set aside


Toast the cumin, coriander and fennel seeds in a dry pan until fragrant, taking care not to burn them


Combine the spices and seeds with the hazelnuts in a pestle and mortar and bash until you have a coarse powder - there should be chunkier pieces and finer pieces. Mix in the sea salt


Spread the labneh on a serving plate and top with the carrots and dukkah. Drizzle over the herb oil to serve

  • mixed herb oil, to serve

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