Salty lassi with cumin

  • Drink
  • Makes 4
  • 10 minutes
Not yet rated

This wonderful yoghurt drink is the perfect thing to cool you down after a day in the sun, or to complement a spicy meal. Sumayya garnishes her lassi recipe with dry-roasted cumin to enhance the salty flavour of the drink.

First published in 2016

Pakistani lassi is salty when paired with food, and sweet when drunk as a refresher between meals. The frothy topping comes from a lot of blending, which is traditionally done with a wooden hand whisk, but can be achieved with a blender. Using whole milk and yoghurt works best.

Recipe and images extracted from Summers Under the Tamarind Tree: Recipes & Memories from Pakistan by Sumayya Usmani, photography by Joanna Yee. Published by Frances Lincoln, £20.00.




Salty lassi


Place all of the ingredients (except the cumin) in a blender and blitz until frothy
Pour the lassi over glasses filled with ice cubes and garnish with the cumin – it will bring out the saltiness of the drink
First published in 2016

Sumayya Usmani is a cookbook author, writer and cookery teacher who specialises in Pakistani cuisine.

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