Sole and dashi

  • 6–8
  • 1 hour 30 minutes plus time for the dashi to infuse overnight
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This playful fish dish from Angelo Sato is a simple combination of sole, courgette and a mushroomy dashi. The courgettes are arranged on the steamed fish so that they resemble scales, and the whole dish is garnished with a variety of seaweeds and more mushrooms.

First published in 2023








  • Vacuum bag and machine



Put the water, dried shiitake and kelp in a large pot and leave to infuse overnight


The next day add the fresh shiitake and ginger. Bring to a simmer and cook for 1 hour. Season to taste with soy and mirin then add the bonito flakes and take off the heat


Pass through a cheesecloth


Place the fish fillets on an oiled piece of baking parchment and season lightly with salt

  • 1 sole, 700–900g, filleted and skinned
  • salt, to taste

Place the baby courgettes on top of the fish in a pattern so that it resembles fish scales, in rows with each row overlapping slightly


If you have a vacpack machine, vacuum pack the fish and then cook in a bain-Marie at 58°C for 5 minutes. If you don’t, steam the fish for 3–4 minutes


Tear the nori and scatter around the bowl. Add the enoki and fresh seaweed


Place the steamed fish in the centre of the bowl and spoon the oil over the top of the fish

  • 50g of grapeseed oil

Bring the dashi to a simmer and pour 100g over the side of the fish

Angelo Sato sharpened his skills at some of the world's most illustrious restaurants. The opening of his Soho yakitori concept Humble Chicken in 2021 was met with acclaim. Winning a second Michelin star in 2025 has only cemented his reputation as one of the country's most exciting chefs.

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