Stuffed chicken wing, chestnut cream, chervil root and Périgord truffle

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This stunning stuffed chicken wing recipe from Gary Foulkes is served with a festive chestnut cream. Braising, boning and stuffing the wings with chicken mousse may seem like a fiddly process, but the perfect boneless bites of tender wing meat is more than worth the effort.

First published in 2017




Chicken wings

Chestnut and chicken mousse

Crushed chervil root

Chestnut cream

Whole chervil root


  • High-power blender
  • Piping bags
  • Drum sieve
  • Microplane
  • Steamer


Preheat the oven to 130°C/gas mark 1/2
To begin, season the chicken wings with salt and pepper. Add a dash of oil to a hot ovenproof pan that's large enough to hold the wings and the chicken stock. Add the wings skin-side down and cook until the skin is a nice golden-brown colour
Add the chicken stock to the pan and bring to the boil. Add the thyme sprig and bay leaf and cover with a cartouche
  • 400ml of chicken stock
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1 sprig of thyme
Transfer the pan to the oven for around 25 minutes, until the wings are soft and the bones will pull out easily from the flesh. Leave the wings to cool to room temperature in the stock
When the wings are cool, remove from the stock (reserving the stock for the chestnut cream) and place on a chopping board. Using a sharp knife, top and tail each section of wing and very gently pull out the long bones that run through the centre (you can also use strong cook's tweezers to pull them out). When you’re confident all the bone and gristle has been removed, set the wings aside and keep at room temperature
To make the chicken mousse, first make sure your ingredients are all well-chilled to improve the texture of the mousse. Add the chicken breast to a high-powered blender with a little salt and blitz until smooth. Add the egg, blend until combined, then gradually start adding the cream a little at a time to bind the mixture together
Prepare a metal bowl over another bowl of ice. Tip the mousse mixture into a drum sieve and pass into the chilled bowl
Microplane the chestnut into the mousse, season with salt and pepper and transfer to a piping bag. Keep in the fridge if not piping into the wings immediately
Pipe a little of the mousse into each end of the boneless chicken wings to make them plump, taking care to keep them intact. Wrap the stuffed wings in cling film tightly, tying each side
Steam the chicken wings, still in cling film, for 7 minutes at 85°C, then set aside to rest and set
For the crushed chervil root, peel each root then dice. Add to a saucepan with the butter and water. Season with salt and pepper, bring to the boil and cook out until water has evaporated
Once tender, crush the chervil roots with a folk, binding the butter with the flesh
For the chestnut cream, sweat the onions and garlic down in a little butter until translucent but not brown. Finely slice the chestnuts on a mandoline, add to the pan and cook for a further 2 minutes
Add the reserved chicken stock and cream, season with salt and pepper and add the bay leaf. Cook out with a lid on the pan
  • pepper
  • 400ml of chicken stock, (use the braising liquor from the wings if you can)
  • 200ml of double cream
  • 1 bay leaf
  • salt
Once the mixture is soft, remove the bay leaf and blend the sauce until smooth and velvety. Pass through a fine chinois and check the seasoning
Add a large knob of butter to a hot pan. Once foaming, add the whole and halved chervil roots and pan-roast until soft
When ready to serve, remove the wings from the cling film and cook in a hot pan with a little oil until golden brown and crispy
Meanwhile, gently reheat all of the other elements
To serve, add two quenelles of crushed chervil root to each plate and top with the chicken wings. Add the halved and whole chervil root and lay a sea aster leaf over one of the chicken wings
Microplane some fresh chestnut over the sea aster leaf, then add shavings of Périgord truffle around the plate. Serve with the chestnut sauce on the side
First published in 2017

With over two decades in Michelin-starred restaurants and three years of globetrotting under his belt, Gary Foulkes is a very worldly chef. His food draws on influences from far and wide across the globe and combines them with peerless classical technique.

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