Tomato, borlotti bean and Provençal goat’s cheese salad

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There is nothing complicated about Henry Harris's Provence-inspired tomato and goat's cheese salad recipe - just make sure to use the best possible produce to make it restaurant quality.

First published in 2015
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Wash the tomatoes, cut into wedges and place in a bowl. Season with sea salt and pepper and mix well. Leave to stand for 5 minutes, then add the borlotti beans
Cut the mint and parsley leaves into thin strips (julienne) and add the the bowl, along with the olive oil. Mix gently with your hands and divide between 2 shallow plates
Cut the goat's cheese in half, and place a half onto each salad. Finish with a grind of black pepper and a drizzle of olive oil, if desired
  • 1 Rove des Garrigues goat's cheese, or a young, fresh equivalent
  • pepper
First published in 2015

Henry Harris’s cuisine recalls the fine traditions of French bourgeois cooking with affection and generosity.

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