Tonka bean panna cotta with popcorn crumble and soy sauce gel

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Tonka bean is a rare treat in this magical dessert from Matt Gillan alongside some stunning popcorn accompaniments.

First published in 2015




Tonka bean panna cotta

  • 1 tonka bean, finely grated
  • 300g of double cream
  • 300ml of whole milk
  • 120g of caster sugar
  • 4 gold gelatine

Popcorn crumble

  • 50g of popcorn, caramelised
  • 130g of plain flour
  • 160g of butter
  • 90g of caster sugar

Popcorn bubbles

  • 250g of popcorn, caramelised, a little extra for garnish
  • 200g of double cream
  • 400ml of whole milk

Soy sauce gel


  • Stick blender
  • Blender
  • Squeezy bottle
  • Fine strainer


For the panna cotta, combine the cream, milk, sugar and tonka bean in a pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and whisk in the softened gelatine. Pour into glasses or bowls and set in the fridge until firm
  • 300g of double cream
  • 300ml of whole milk
  • 120g of caster sugar
  • 4 gold gelatine
  • 1 tonka bean, finely grated
Preheat the oven to 180˚C/gas mark 4. Use your fingertips to rub the butter and flour together into a bread crumb like consistency. Add the sugar and popcorn and mix well. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes until golden, remove and allow to cool
  • 160g of butter
  • 130g of plain flour
  • 50g of popcorn
  • 90g of caster sugar
For the bubble or foam, bring the milk and cream to the boil. Add the popcorn and heat until it softens. Blend the mix until smooth and pass through a fine strainer. Blend with a stick blender while still warm, scoop off the foam and reserve to use as a garnish
  • 200g of double cream
  • 400ml of whole milk
  • 250g of popcorn
For the soy gel, prepare a flat non-stick tray. Combine the orange juice, water, soy sauce, sugar and agar agar in a saucepan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and pour onto the tray
Leave to chill until set. Once set, use a blender on a low speed to break it down into a gel. Pass through a fine strainer and store in a squeezy bottle
Remove the panna cotta from the fridge. Sprinkle with the crumble, a large spoon of the reserved foam and a squeeze of the soy gel. Serve immediately
First published in 2015

A protégé of Daniel Clifford, Gordon Ramsay and John Campbell, Matt Gillan is well versed in the hallmarks of high-end cuisine, yet he retains a dazzling streak of originality.

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