Christmas turkey gravy

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Dominic Chapman serves up the ultimate gravy recipe for your Christmas roast, from his recipe for roast turkey with all the trimmings. The pan juices from the meat are key here - they impart a meaty richness that adds depth and will save you from the dreaded bland, watery gravy that must be avoided at all costs.

First published in 2015
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To make the gravy, pour all excess fat from the roasting tray into a large pan, then add the carrots, celery, onion, garlic and thyme and cook until caramelised. Add the red wine, reduce, then add chicken and veal stock and reduce by 2/3
Pass through a fine sieve into a clean pan then place back on the stove. Bring to the boil, correct the seasoning and whisk the butter into the gravy. Serve in a jug alongside your roast dinner
First published in 2015

Dominic Chapman's passion for food is in the blood: his family has owned and run the highly acclaimed Castle Hotel in Taunton for over 60 years.

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