Walnut and chestnut chocolates

  • Petit four
  • medium
  • 12
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
Not yet rated

A nutty petit four from Tom Aikens served prettily on a spoon with a scoop of chocolate mousse and chestnut cream - these walnut and chestnut chocolates are a must-have for a special winter celebration.




Chocolate mousse


Walnut caramel

  • 110g of caster sugar
  • 15g of glucose
  • 25ml of water
  • 100g of walnuts

Italian meringue

  • 180g of caster sugar
  • 40ml of water
  • 15g of glucose
  • 3 egg whites

Chestnut cream

  • 100g of chestnut purée
  • 75ml of whipping cream, whipped
  • 15g of chestnuts, chopped


  • Blender
  • Thermometer
  • 2 piping bags and nozzles
  • 12 spoons


To make the anglaise, place the yolks in a bowl, add the sugar and cream together with a whisk. Infuse the milk, cream, coffee and a split and scraped vanilla pod for approximately 20 minutes. Pour the milk mixture onto the egg and sugar mix
Cook over a low heat until it reaches 85°C and then chill
To make the chocolate mousse, boil the sugar and glucose with the water and cook to the soft ball stage (112-116°C), when a blob of syrup dropped into water will form a very soft ball. Place the egg yolks in a bowl, pour over the syrup and whip up until light
  • 80g of caster sugar
  • 6ml of liquid glucose
  • 15ml of water
  • 3 egg yolks
Melt the chocolate and then add to the egg and syrup mixture. Place in the refrigerator to set
To make the Italian meringue, bring the sugar, water and glucose to the boil and skim off any scum. When the sugar has reached 110°C, start to whisk the egg whites in a food processor with a whisk attachment
  • 180g of caster sugar
  • 40ml of water
  • 15g of glucose
  • 3 egg whites
Bring the sugar to a soft boil. When it reaches 121°C, remove from the heat. Turn down the mixer and slowly add the boiled sugar to the egg whites. Beat until cool, for about 15 minutes
To make the walnut caramel, heat the sugar, glucose and the water until they form a caramel consistency
  • 110g of caster sugar
  • 15g of glucose
  • 25ml of water
Coarsely chop and add the walnuts, then place onto a silicone baking mat to cool. When it has set hard, place in a blender and break down to a coarse crumb
To make the chestnut cream, mix 125g of the Anglaise and the chestnut purée together, then add 75g of the Italian meringue and the whipped cream, then the chopped chestnuts
  • 100g of chestnut purée
  • 75ml of whipping cream, whipped
  • 15g of chestnuts, chopped
Pipe the chestnut cream at the back of the spoon, then the chocolate mousse at the front, then cover in walnut crumbs and serve

Tom Aikens is one of the most creative and talented chefs Britain has ever seen, with a restaurant empire to match.

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