How to slow cook squid

Squid braised in red wine and tomato

How to slow cook squid

8 December 2014

How to slow cook squid

Squid benefits from being cooked either very fast or very slow. Here we show how to slow cook, or braise, squid for succulent and tender results in a saucepan, but another great alternative method is to slow cook squid sous vide.





Place a saucepan over a high heat and add the oil
When hot, add the onions and garlic and cook until soft but not coloured
Add the sliced squid to the pan with a pinch of salt and cook for 3–4 minutes
Deglaze the pan with the white wine and add the tomatoes and pepper
Bring to the boil then turn down to a very low simmer. Cover with a cartouche and cook for 45 minutes until tender. The squid should remain covered by the liquid throughout the cooking process so you may need to add a little water if it is looking a little dry


Deglaze the pan with red wine instead of white for a richer, darker result.

This basic recipe can be embellished with the addition of other ingredients such as chorizo, beans, chickpeas and fresh herbs.

Serving suggestions

This braised squid would be delicious with pasta – try Martin Wishart’s squid with linguine or Pierre Koffman’s Squid Bolognese.

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