Bread and butter pudding with chocolate sorbet

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Paul Ainsworth's bread and butter pudding recipe is given spice by a Grand Marnier-fuelled chocolate sorbet served on the side – the perfect British dessert to end an autumnal meal.

First published in 2015




Bread and butter

  • 12 slices of white bread, with crust removed
  • 125g of butter
  • butter for greasing
  • 30g of sultanas


  • 450ml of double cream
  • 150ml of milk
  • 2 vanilla pods
  • 140g of egg yolk
  • 200g of caster sugar, plus extra for glazing

Chocolate sorbet

  • 360g of dark chocolate
  • 750ml of water
  • 150g of caster sugar
  • 2 tbsp of Grand Marnier


  • Blow torch
  • Ice cream maker


To make the sorbet, firstly bring 150ml of water and 150g of caster sugar to a boil to make a syrup. Once syrupy, set aside
  • 150ml of water
  • 150g of caster sugar
Next, bring all the ingredients including the syrup to a boil, then leave to cool
Place the mixture in an ice cream maker and freeze
Whilst the sorbet is freezing, start the bread and butter pudding by buttering the bread, then slicing it into triangles
  • 12 slices of white bread, with crust removed
  • 125g of butter
Butter an oven proof dish and sprinkle in a layer of sultanas
  • 30g of sultanas
  • butter for greasing
Arrange 1 layer of bread triangles in the dish then sprinkle again with sultanas. Repeat this process 2 more times or until you reach the rim of the oven dish
To make the custard, bring the cream, milk and vanilla to a boil. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg yolks and 175g of sugar
  • 450ml of double cream
  • 150ml of milk
  • 2 vanilla pods
  • 140g of egg yolk
  • 175g of caster sugar
Pour the cream mix over the yolks and sugar, whisking it in. Pour this mix into a bain-marie and cook until thick
Allow to cool slightly and pour the mixture over the bread and sultanas. Leave this to soak for at least 4 hours, topping it up with more custard if needed
Heat the oven to 115°C/Gas mark ¼. Put the pudding dish into a roasting tin and pour some warm water around the sides
Bake for 15 – 20 minutes until the edges are browned and the centre still has a slight wobble
Allow to cool down a little then sprinkle with castor sugar and caramelize with a blow torch until golden all over
Slice the pudding, and position in the centre of a bowl with a generous amount of custard. Serve with a separate bowl of the chocolate sorbet
First published in 2015

Southampton-born Paul Ainsworth got his break courtesy of Gary Rhodes, whom he worked for three years. After that, he moved to Gordon Ramsay's organisation, working first at his flagship Royal Hospital Road restaurant and then with Marcus Wareing at Petrus.

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