Egg cups with a spicy tomato salsa


This simple, yet highly versatile recipe, makes a delicious brunch option. The cups work equally well with both filo and shortcrust pastry, so Sally has included instructions for both, as well as a few options for tasty fillings, such as spinach, Parma ham or roasted peppers. A spicy tomato salsa is the perfect accompaniment.

First published in 2015







Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 4
To make the shortcrust egg cups, roll the block of shortcrust pastry into a thin sheet. With a sharp knife, slice the sheet into 10cm by 10cm squares
Push the shortcrust pastry squares into the holes of a deep muffin tin. Allow the corners of the squares to flop over the edges of the holes. Line each cup with a layer of baking parchment, add a handful of baking beans and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. After this time, take out the baking parchment and the baking beans. Bake the empty shortcrust cups for a further 10 minutes until golden brown
To make the filo pastry egg cups, lay the filo sheets flat on the work surface and slice into 10cm by 10cm squares. Stack three squares on top of each other, angling them so that the corners do not quite line up; the result should resemble a 12-pointed star. Spread a little melted butter over each square before placing the next one on top to ensure that they stick together
Carefully line the holes of a deep muffin tin with the filo pastry stars. Leave the points of the stars hanging out the holes. Place in the oven and cook for 10 minutes until the filo pastry is golden brown
Next, add fillings to the egg cups. Fill a few of the cups with spinach, line several others with slices of Parma ham and press pieces of roasted pepper into the remaining empty cups
Break eggs into the filled cups (1 egg per cup) and place in the oven to bake for 6-8 minutes. You are aiming for a cooked egg white with a runny egg yolk
Make the tomato salsa by combining the diced tomatoes, shallots and chilli in a bowl. Stir in the chopped coriander and add salt to taste
Serve the pastry egg cups with a few spoonfuls of salsa on the side
First published in 2015

After a five-year stint in the kitchen at two Michelin-starred restaurant The Ledbury, Sally is now head chef at The Harwood Arms in London.

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