Grilled mallard with baby gem lettuce, crispy yolk and soy gel

  • medium
  • 4
  • 2 hours 30 minutes
Not yet rated

Contrasting yet complementary elements of texture and flavour come together to make this mallard recipe satisfy all of the senses. When making Josh Eggleton's recipe, be careful not to add the glaze to the breast too early, as a burnt result will taste bitter and spoil the dish.

First published in 2015
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Glazed mallard

Red wine sauce

Soy gel

Baby gem lettuce

Crispy yolk

  • 4 duck eggs, yolk only
  • 100g of plain flour
  • 1 egg, for egg wash
  • 100g of Panko breadcrumbs (1)
  • salt
  • vegetable oil, for deep frying



  • Squeezy bottle
  • Fine strainer


For the red wine sauce, place a medium-sized pot over a high heat and add enough vegetable oil to coat the base of the pan. As soon as the pan begins to smoke, add the shallots, carrots, leek, garlic and celery
Cook until the vegetables reach a dark golden brown colour. Add the thyme, rosemary, bay, Port, wine and vinegar, turn down to a simmer and reduce until almost dry
Add the brown chicken stock and reduce again by half. Remove from the heat, strain through a fine sieve into another pan and set aside until required
  • 500ml of brown chicken stock
For the soy gel, combine the soy sauces, vinegar and water in a small pan and bring to the boil. Remove from the heat, stir in the agar agar and return to the boil
Remove from the heat, pour into a large bowl over ice to cool quickly. Pour into a shallow container and leave to set in the fridge for 45-60 minutes. Once set, blend and pass through a fine strainer.. Store in a squeezy bottle until required
To prepare the broad beans, blanch them in salted boiling water for 3 minutes. Strain and refresh in ice cold water. Strain again and peel off the layer of skin from the bean. Store in the fridge until required
For the crispy yolks, prepare a seasoned coating for deep frying. Carefully separate the yolks and place directly into the flour, dusting the entire yolk to coat. Use a spoon to lift the yolk from the flour and blow gently to remove any excess
  • 4 duck eggs, yolk only
  • 100g of plain flour
  • 1 egg, for egg wash
  • 100g of Panko breadcrumbs (1)
  • salt
Place gently into the egg wash and spoon over to coat, then lift gently into the breadcrumbs and repeat the process. Store on a tray in the fridge until required
Before cooking the mallard, make the glaze. Combine the honey, five-spice, oil and vinegar in a bowl, whisk and set aside
To cook the mallard breast, season all over with salt and place, skin-side down, into a cold, non-stick pan over a medium heat. Allow the fat to gently render down, use a spoon or kitchen towel to absorb any excess that appears around the breast in the pan
  • 4 mallards, breasts only
  • salt
As soon as the skin is a golden colour - approximately 4-5 minutes, turn the breast over and use a pastry brush to start applying the glaze. Cook for an additional 2 minutes then remove from the pan and allow to rest in a warm place
Meanwhile, combine the butter, water, salt and pepper in a medium-sized saucepan and place over a high heat. While waiting for this to boil, separate the leaves of the baby gem lettuce and wash thoroughly
Place the leaves into the boiling liquid and cook for 1 minute. Meanwhile place the fryer on 180˚C, remove the crumbed yolks from the fridge and fry for 2 minutes until golden
  • vegetable oil, for deep frying
Remove the crispy yolks from the oil and the lettuce leaves from the boiling liquid. Drain both well on kitchen towel and leave in a warm place
Once nearly ready to serve, reheat the red wine sauce in a small pan over a low heat
Brush the mallard with more glaze and heat under a hot grill to crisp up the skin
Slice the duck into cubes and arrange with the warm baby gem lettuce onto plates. Balance the yolk on a baby gem leaf, squirt the soy gel around the plate and finish with the broad beans, coriander cress and red wine sauce
First published in 2015

Josh Eggleton turned down jobs with some of Britain’s most renowned chefs in order to follow his dream of running his own establishment. At The Pony Chew Valley, he cooks modern British food with an emphasis on sustainability and artisanship.

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