Risalamande – Danish rice pudding

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Bring some Scandinavian magic to your Christmas Eve dinner table with Sally Abé's recipe for risalamande, the popular rice pudding dish which traditionally rounds off the Danish Christmas meal.

First published in 2015
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Rice pudding is delicious at the best of times, but with the addition of double cream and chopped almonds risalamande feels that bit more special – fitting considering it forms a staple part of the Danish Christmas dinner menu. The dish also incorporates a popular Christmas game in Denmark and other parts of Scandinavia; one portion of rice pudding traditionally contains a whole almond and a prize is given to the person who ‘finds’ it. Risalamande is usually served with cherry compote which can be bought from most supermarkets, but for something more seasonal you could make your own using dates, cranberries or figs.





Place the rice in a heavy bottomed saucepan along with the milk and the scraped vanilla pod and seeds. Stir well to combine until the ingredients are fully incorporated
Cook for around 30 minutes over a moderate heat until all of the milk is absorbed, stirring occasionally to ensure the rice does not catch
Once cooked remove the vanilla pod and leave to cool to room temperature. Meanwhile, set aside one whole almond for serving and use a sharp knife to finely chop the rest
Once the rice has cooled mix through the chopped almonds. Lightly whip the cream in a separate bowl and gently fold it through the rice pudding
Place the single almond in one of the bowls and spoon over the rice. Once the bowls are filled, swap them round a few times until you can no longer remember which dish contains the almond
Serve the pudding cold and topped with fruit compote. Don’t forget to buy a prize for the person who finds the almond!
First published in 2015

After a five-year stint in the kitchen at two Michelin-starred restaurant The Ledbury, Sally is now head chef at The Harwood Arms in London.

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