Terrine of calves liver


Making terrines and pâtés is extremely satisfying – it’s a great pleasure to turn them out and cut the first slice. Smooth parfaits of foie gras and chicken liver are wonderful, of course, but a good chunky pâté such as this one is hard to beat. Don’t worry too much whether your guests like calves’ liver or not – Bryan Webb’s wife Susan doesn’t but this recipe is one of her particular favourites.

First published in 2015





To plate


  • 3 terrines
  • Deep roasting tray


Finely chop the shallots and cook them gently in a knob of butter until soft. Remove from the heat and leave to cool
Finely dice the calves liver, cut the foie gras into 1cm cubes, and dice the streaky bacon. Put them all in a very large bowl then add the sausage meat, thyme, brandy, port, cooked shallots, and the green peppercorns and mix well
Preheat the oven to 180°C/gas mark 5. Use a slicer to cut the lardo into very thin strips and use them to line the terrine mould, arranging them so that the slices overlap slightly and come far enough up over the sides of the terrine to cover the surface once it is filled
Divide the meat mixture evenly among the terrines, then fold up the lardo strips to cover the surface. Cover the terrines with foil and place in a deep roasting tray. Add enough warm water to the roasting tin to come halfway up the sides of the terrines. Carefully transfer the lot to the oven and cook for 1 1/2 hours or until firm to the touch
Remove the terrines from the oven and leave to cool and set for at least one day before slicing. Serve with onion chutney, radishes, cornichons and a little fresh chervil
First published in 2015

Showcasing quality ingredients from his native Wales, Bryan Webb cooks French-inflected dishes that champion simplicity and gutsy flavour.

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